It's Not Easy Bein' Green

Oh but it is and it’s getting easier.

I was inspired by last week’s talk at the Natural History Museum to get green or at least get greener. Laurie David made a point that was very freeing: you don’t have to be perfect about it; it still counts if you do one thing consistently like using a canvas bag when shopping instead of plastic bags.

Said another way by Laurie: “Everyone doesn’t have to do everything but everyone should do something.”

So here are the small somethings I have done since Wednesday. I encourage you all to pick something, commit to it, and do it!

-I unplugged everything I wasn’t using immediately: my phone charger, my hairdryer, my electric toothbrush, my standing fan, my second computer - I turned off the whole strip. When you leave a plug in the socket the current is flowing, ever at the ready, costing you money, and wasting energy! I feel better already.

-Saturday, I took a nice long walk in the sunshine to the local, and now quite famous in its own right, Green Market. I’ve adopted the cotton bag that was stuffed with eco-swag from Wednesday's event and given out after the luncheon. And now I shop with it. I put all my newly purchased local goodies in there: local orange tulips that all have double buds, local onions, local fingerling potatoes, and local hard cheese.

-I called HSBC, my bank. They're running a promotion about Green banking for their new customers; existing customers can't take advantage of the promotion. Silly. I had a stern word with their customer service department about just how silly it was not to offer this to their loyal customers as well. In the meantime, I went ahead and ordered e-statements [paperless, online statements] to cut back on paper useage. Easy peasy.

-I’m looking into greener power through Con Edison Solutions.

-I’ve been meaning to go to Green Drinks NYC for months. Well this month, May 8th, I’m going! Right after I attend an event celebrating the relationship between the Jews and the Danes. (Jews and Danes, who knew.)

- Green Drinks NYC has linked up with wind power. I’m seriously considering it. That or some other mix of green credits.

-Also, NY Wind has a nice site with some other changes that are easy to implement:
• Reduce, reuse, recycle.
• Replace a regular incandescent light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb (cfl) CFLs use 60% less energy than a regular bulb. You can purchase CFLs online from the Energy Federation.
• Buy locally grown and produced foods - CSA and Farmers Markets- Eat locally grown foods seasonally and buy food with less packaging.
• Carry a cloth bag for shopping- turn down the plastic bag.
• Buy your electricity from renewable providers. Buy Wind Power
• Choose Energy Star energy efficient appliances when purchasing appliances.
• Use less hot water - It takes a lot of energy to heat water.
• Clean or replace filters on your furnace and air conditioner
• Use clotheslines to dry your clothes- clothes dryers consume large amounts of electricity.
• Do you laundry and run your dishwasher at night- electric demands are highest during the day- use power at night instead of during the day- it will help us all.
• Get a home energy audit- NYSERDA can help you find an energy specialist.
• Walk and use public transportation.
• Compost- make dirt and lesson your contributions to landfills.
• Fly less- Air travel produces large amounts of emissions so reducing how much you fly by even one or two trips a year can reduce your emissions significantly.
• Vote for politicians who put protecting the environment as a leading issue.


Anonymous said…
FYI - CFLs can usually be had pretty cheaply (8 for around 12-15 of your American Dollars) at everyone's favourite Costco.
Anonymous said…
I applaud your post…I think most people view it not “convenient” to go “green”. The fast pace of our population needs to slow down and embrace their environment, and know you can’t be to busy to recycle or use less water consumption, you must adapt it into a way of living…beyond trend setting make it a routine!

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